Tuesday, February 06, 2007

A brand new year

2007 is well underway and its about time I wrote in my blog. Christmas has been and gone, all the hype and excitement and festivities are all behind me and I had a lovely time. I just wish it were possible to have a Christmas without having to buy presents for everyone. I hate the shops and how they have commercialised what is a Christian celebration and turned it into a secular, money grabbing event. Besides that little gripe, it was a great family affair and everyone ate and sang and danced to their hearts content.

Now its back to the real world of school and university and work. How much fun would it be if we had holidays all the time. I am sure it would be a happier world. Everyone lounging around and not having to be anywhere at a particular time everyday. No clock watching - just bliss. Yes, thats the answer to eternal happiness - one long holiday. Which, of course, has to be paid for by the empoyer who keeps us employed in this holiday mode.

I am so delighted with this discovery of eternal happiness that I am going to put it into practice right away and from now on I am on one long holiday. Yippee, hot weather and the beach here I come. Bye for now, I am going for a paddle.